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FAILED JAVASCRIPT: --Javascript was not detected, please ensure javascript is enabled on your browser to use this site properly
FAILED POP UPS: --Pop Up windows are used on this site please turn off your pop up blocker
FAILED SCREEN RESOLUTION: --Your screen resolution was detected as
, it should be at least 1024 X 768 to view the site
FAILED COOKIES: --Cookies are must be enabled--
PASSED JAVASCRIPT OK: --Javascript was detected on your browser--
PASSED POP UPS OK: --Pop Ups are enabled--
PASSED SCREEN RESOLUTION OK: Screen Resolution was detected as at least 1024 X 768
PASSED COOKIES OK: --Cookies are enabled--
If your browser failed any of the above tests or you experience any other difficulties, you may need to contact the IT department as this could affect your ability to use the Leicestershire WDMS System.
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